AN ANIMAL adventure park has launched an appeal for funding to help a lamb get the urgent medical treatment it needs.

Animal Adventure Farm Park in Berrow has been closed for the last month due to the coronavirus outbreak but continues to care for more than 250 animals.

The park is appealing for £1,000 of funding to help a baby lamb named Teddy who needs urgent treatment as he may have a neurological problem.

Teddy was born at the park last month with severe neck injuries and was abandoned by his mother just two days after he was born.

To help him to walk staff at the centre gave him round the clock care and nursed him back to health.

But on Wednesday (April 15) Teddy took a turn for the worse and would not stand up and vets said he could have an abscess on his spine.

Mark Roberts, a supervisor at Animal Adventure Farm Park in Berrow, said: "Teddy was born on March 7 and shortly after his mother rejected him.

"We are not sure as he was born overnight if he was born with a deformity of the neck or if he was attacked by a fox.

"He has had intensive physiotherapy over the past few weeks and has been spending a lot of time with his animal carers.

"He has become a beautiful and amazing character for the farm and he is loved by people not just in the UK but people from Australia, the United States of America and Poland.

"He was seen by our vet on Wednesday who has given him some initial treatment but he requires more tests and scans to survive.

"To date he does not have a full diagnosis however the vet may think he may have neurological damage or an abscess on the spine."

Mark said Teddy needs intensive care, antibiotics and veterinary treatment to stay alive but the farm has had no income for the past month so cannot afford his treatment.

"Being closed for a month, we have zero income. We aren't a farming farm, just a petting and educational farm. We don't milk or market, so rely completely on customers for all animal costs," Mark said.

"We also have more than 250 other animals to feed and care for, including a raccoon, and lots more lambs and we need to make sure we can make ends meet.

"We see every animal as our extended family on the park. Teddy is very much like a little puppy, he follows the staff around the farm when he is well but at the moment he's not at all well.

"The £1,000 will be spent on vets bills and ongoing physio therapy for the bend in his neck.

"I would encourage everyone to support our appeal and give Teddy the best chance at a normal life."

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