CHARITIES in Highbridge can register for Christmas food donations from Aldi.

Community groups, food banks and charities will be able to collect fresh and chilled food products on Christmas Eve to help those in need.

Luke Peech, managing director of corporate responsibility at Aldi UK, said: “Our Christmas food donations scheme plays a big role in supporting those in need during the festive period and is something we are very passionate about.

“This is our fourth year running the initiative and we look forward to working with local charities in Highbridge once again.

“Last year we were able to help thousands of people across the UK, and this year we’re hoping to extend this even further in what has been a challenging year for so many.”

Last year, Aldi donated nearly 450,000 meals to good causes throughout the UK.

Working with Neighbourly, a community engagement platform, Aldi stores also donate surplus food all year round.

Steve Butterworth, from Neighbourly, added: “Sadly, charities and local causes are expecting record demand for their services this Christmas because of the pandemic and its impact on communities up and down the country.

“We’re sure there are lots more groups out there that could put the food to good use, so we’d encourage them to get in touch.”

To apply, organisations do not need to be a registered charity but they much have a level two hygiene certificate (gained in the last two years) and be able to transport chilled products on Christmas Eve.

To register email before 7th December 2020.