A FESTIVAL of Archaeology is set to be held at Brean Down this weekend.

The free event, organised by the National Trust, does not require booking, and will take place between 10am and 4pm on both Saturday, July 27, and Sunday, July 28.

For more information, contact James McWilliam at jamesmcwilliam@nationaltrust.org.uk.

A spokesperson for the National Trust said: "Get involved with lots of exciting activities which will bring different chapters of the Down's history to life, including searching for pottery remains at the site of the Roman temple, dressing up as an officer at the World War II fort and having a go at our bouncing bomb experiment game.

"At 11am on both days, you can join a guided tour of the Down, beginning at the café and finishing at the Palmerston Fort.

"It will last around 90 minutes.

"No need to book, visit the welcome centre to find out how to get involved."