The Winscombe Community Association acknowledged the voluntary help it has received since 1979.

Mark Payne, chair of Trustees, said the centre has been depending on voluntary help since its creation 45 years ago.

He presented the Cureton Cup, named after one of the founding members, Jill Cureton, who died recently, to her husband Richard.

This was done in celebration of her contribution and as a thank you to past and present volunteers who have helped make the centre what it is today. 

The cup was made from recycled past trophies from the Michaelmas Fairs held at the centre. 

Nick Fraser, from, made the sculpture at his workshop in Woolavington.

Richard said: "Jill would be very proud to know that her effort, with all her volunteers, over a period of 40 years, was being recognised. 

"It is a fine piece of work and we look forward to being able to see it in its new home."

The sculpture will be displayed in the foyer of the planned new building once it is opened in 2025. 

Mike Turner, one of the trustees, said the new community centre project, Winspace, is scheduled to start being built in late September.

The trustees secured £1.7m of funding towards the £2m cost of the project.