LEADING academic school holiday specialist Academic Camp has celebrated another successful summer camp, with hundreds of students coming to the South-West to take part.

This summer, hundreds of students from a diverse range of backgrounds headed to Somerset to participate in Academic Camp’s programmes held at Sidcot School, near Winscombe.

The school provided the students with sports facilities and an opportunity to explore the campus, which even has its own residential horses.

Helen Lami, Founder of Academic Camp, said: "We were thrilled to host students from all corners of the globe this summer.

“Our programmes not only offer exceptional academic learning but also immerse students in Bristol’s beautiful landscape.

"It was a pleasure to witness the growth and connections formed by our participants”.

All summer, Academic Camp offered students programmes designed for Adventurers (7-12), Explorers (12-14), and Engagers (15-17), engaging students with both educational and cultural activities.

The Engagers programme also enabled students to find out more about A Level subjects like Applied Mathematics, Art, Computer Science, and more, while enhancing their study skills and practical knowledge.