A WOMAN has started a petition after a council’s decision to remove personal items from a cemetery.

Debbie Thorne is gathering signatures to restore personal items at Brent Road Cemetery in Burnham-on-Sea after the town council said “tributes and items were being placed on graves or in the Garden of Rest in contravention of the Cemetery Regulations”.

A spokesperson for Burnham-on-Sea and Highbridge Town Council said “notices were displayed at the cemeteries, reminding visitors of the regulations and allowing time for such items to be removed”.

The spokesperson also said: “The reason these items are not permitted is because they impede the safe maintenance and management of the cemeteries, which is carried out for the benefit of all visitors and staff.

“Visitors were advised of the town council’s intention to remove such objects and were advised to contact the town council if they had any queries.”

Mrs Thorne said she has owned a plot at the cemetery for two years but the council has “now upset the whole community”.

(Image: Newsquest)

She also said “they [the town council] did put a poster up by the bins, which has now been removed, this poster was not easy to see particularly if you do not go to that part of the cemetery.

Mrs Thorne also said: “My family has a plot in the cemetery.

“Apparently, there is a poster up in the cemetery, and a lot of people did not see it, saying we have to remove all these items, which are not causing any particular problems.

“But under the regulations of the cemetery, they all need to be removed.

“The regulation booklet with the cemetery, and under point 20 it clearly states ‘A notice will be placed on the grave asking the owner to remove the items not permitted before the next monthly inspection’.

“Well, we have owned a plot for two years and it has never been a problem.

“They have now upset the whole community, they did put a poster up by the bins, which has now been removed, this poster was not easy to see particularly if you do not go to that part of the cemetery.

“All the items have been put on the grass, and under point 19 of the cemeteries regulations booklet it states, ‘These items will be removed by the caretaker and stored for collection.’

“I don't call that ‘being stored’ and I can confirm that personal items have gone missing.

“It seems very harsh. They could have emailed me because I have registered a plot.

“This action from the town council is very insensitive and a case of very, very poor communication, upsetting a lot of grieving families in the community.

“I am a plot owner and I only visit once a year and I had no notification, the cemetery has all of my personal details.

“My dad is buried there, and we didn’t have any problems in two years. Why have they suddenly done this?”

The spokesperson for the town council said: “The town council is responsible for three cemeteries in Burnham-on-Sea and Highbridge.

“They are managed and maintained in accordance with its own policies and procedures and Cemetery Regulations 2019, which are issued to anyone who is issued with an Exclusive Right of Burial or when a memorial permit is granted. https://burnham-highbridge-tc.gov.uk/local-knowledge/cemeteries

“Earlier this year, during routine inspections, the town council noted that some tributes and items, such as glass jars, ceramics and ornaments were being placed on graves or in the Garden of Rest, in contravention of the Cemetery Regulations.

“Notices were displayed at the cemeteries, reminding visitors of the regulations and allowing time for such items to be removed.

“The reason these items are not permitted is because they impede the safe maintenance and management of the cemeteries, which is carried out for the benefit of all visitors and staff.

“Visitors were advised of the town council’s intention to remove such objects and were advised to contact the town council if they had any queries.

“The town council understands the importance of loved ones being able to pay their respects when visiting the cemeteries; we aim to provide a safe and dignified environment for this to take place.

“The Cemetery Regulations exist to ensure this happens and we appreciate the co-operation of visitors.

“We cannot comment on specific complaints. We understand that emotions on this topic can run high and our aim is to deal with all complaints empathetically.

“We would advise anyone with concerns to contact the deputy town clerk – info@burnham-highbridge-tc.gov.uk.