MEMBERS of Burnham's Moose Group (Lodge 123) came together for a Harvest Supper at Berrow Village Hall.

They enjoyed a tasty ham salad meal on September 7 at the regular event, which is held to support Moose Ladies' Circle, Lodge 123, funds.

(Image: Burnham Moose Group)

A Moose Group spokesperson said: "With 54 tickets sold, entertainment by talented local musician Tim Dean, a charity auction, and of course the usual raffle, the evening was a terrific success.

"Berrow Village Hall is a great venue, and the reason why Burnham's Moose members choose it as their headquarters."

Burnham Moose Ladies’ Circle president Sandra Nicholson gave thanks to all her volunteers, with further thanks to junior vice president Terry Cornelius for conducting the auction of produce, which raised £86, and also thanks to Liz and Pat for administering the raffle of donated prizes which raised £136.