The mixed skittle league returned for the 2024/25 season with a couple of ladies getting high scores in the opening fixtures.

Rosie Bostock from Die Hards scored in the 70s against Ourside who had Julie Crenol who also registered a score in the 70s.

Meanwhite Jack Bishop is leading the men’s individual score leaderboard.

Results from Monday, September 2:

Clyce Rejects  376  vs  Outlaws  394  

Burnham 8  388  vs  Nuts & Bolts  418  (Jake Bishop 73, Dennis Coggins 61)

Die Hards  443  (Rosie Bostock 71, Keith Morgan 68)  vs  Ourside  440  (Julie Crenol 78, Dave Perrett 67, Colin Fouracres 63) 

The Pav  451  (Jim Nipper 69, Ross Mitchell 67, Paul Godfrey 60)  vs  Coasters  435  (Wayne Huxtable 61, Bruce Hardwidge 60)

Hell's Angels  365  vs  Tipsy Coopers  391  (Brian Edwards 62)

Rex’s Mob received a bye in the opening round of fixtures.