The club members at Brean Golf Club along with a good number of guests enjoyed a superb Captains Charity Day on Saturday.

The weather was a little wet at times but the 18 teams all stuck to their task and completed the full round on the excellently presented course.

Club Captain Dan Broom along with Seniors Captain Tim Amy and Ladies Captain Carole Short had worked hard to see that every hole was sponsored as the event raised money for their chosen charity for the year of The British Heart Foundation.

Leading the way at the end of the day was Team Jones with brothers Steve and Paul accompanying Uncle Eric along with a late stand in Isla, Paul's daughter.

They posted a score of  98 points which was two clear of three teams on 96. The countback decided that the quartet of Dan Harper, Chris Hubbard and Wiltshire based guests Dale Titcombe and Gary Williams were placed second.

Former Brean Club Champion Phil Hodgson returned to his former club to join forces with Simon Baunton, Dave Porter and Dave Morgan to take third ahead of Captain Broom, his cousin Tom and their guests Darran Woodward and James Devey.

Following the golf, the competitors joined in the Country Club to enjoy a superb two course lunch which preceded the prizegiving and an Auction. Alongside the usual prizes a couple of sweepstake winners were announced.

Seniors Captain Tim Amy was the closest guess in the now traditional 'Lost Ball Sweep' at Brean and Dan Hollyhead correctly guessed the time it had taken Athlete Luke Prior, son of club member Simon, to run around the Brean course earlier in the week which equated to a distance of approx 5km.

Following the conclusion of the Auction PGA Professional Andrew March announced that whilst money was still to be collected the funds raised on the day would be well in excess of £3,000 which is another amazing effort for a club of Brean's size.

Special mention to Val Bradley and Sheila Fairchild for raising over £400 selling raffle tickets as well as Val for kindly taking the team photos. Thank you to all the players who took part, hole sponsors and everyone else who pulled together to make the day a successful one.

Brean continued their dominance of recent years in the Quad Cup when they won for the 5th consecutive time on Sunday on their home turf. That turf was a tad wet though as the annual quadrangular match between Brean, Isle of Wedmore, Tall Pines and Weston got underway following the heavy rain of the first part of Sunday but the course just about stayed playable and the four teams of 12 completed their rounds.

The Brean team were led off by Kevin White and Neil Barker who gained a fighting half after being four down earlier in the round against their Wedmore opponents.

Next up and adding a point to the total was PGA Pro Andrew March and Rob Perry who won 5&3 against Weston Pro Ali Balcombe and his partner. Simon Prior was joined by Greenkeeper Max Smith to notch another win this time dispatching a Tall Pines pairing on the 16th green. The only defeat for a Brean duo was when Tony McCann and Barry Roe found their Wedmore opponents putting just too hot to handle losing out on the 17th green.