Just one player beat the course in Saturday's Bogey Trophy in the event which effectively sees the player playing matchplay against the course par figures.

Martyn Brown beat both the course by 4 and his opponents as he ended the day on a score of +4. Behind him was a log jam of six players tying for second place all finishing level with the course.

They had to be separated by a computer countback and Tony Higgins was the best of the bunch on the back nine and with it he claimed 2nd prize. Jerry Brueford was placed 3rd with Mark Elvins taking the fourth and final prize although he also claimed the whole two's pot for registering the only two of the day at the 7th. Steve Mason, Dave Glasby and Kevin Davies were the unlucky trio to miss out on the prizes following the countback.

Only a handful of players braved the threat of Storm Ashley on Sunday. However the worst of the weather avoided the golf course and the Tom Childs Memorial Flag event was completed albeit with a smaller than usual field.

The aim of the competition is to get your golf ball as far around the golf course using the course par plus your playing handicap as a shot allowance.

The winner was Chris Fairchild who ended up on the final green after just missing his putt to match his handicap in the tricky conditions. Runner up was his son Richard who ended further back on the 18th hole with Brian Hollyhead reaching the 17th green to take third.

The October Seniors Stableford saw a close finish between the leading duo. Both Mats Mattsson and Mark Elvins carded scores of 40 points and it required the assistance of the computer countback to decide the winner on the day. Mattsson scored a superb 23 points on the back nine to beat Elvins effort of 20 points and take the win. Chris Fairchild was third on 38.

Thursday saw the Seniors Winter League series get underway for this year. The first of 8 scheduled events was contested with a Betterball Stableford format being used.

The winners were Dave Cogger and Tony McCann with a score of 42 points. As there was an odd number of entrants a 'ghost' player was selected to have their score added to the person who was drawn without a partner on the day.

Chris Moore was the player requiring the services of said 'ghost' and he ended up in second spot only losing out on a back nine countback for the win. Third place went to Tim Amy and Chris Fairchild on 40.